asbestos removal

Industrial Asbestos Removal

industrial asbestos removal

Large scale asbestos roof removal and kingspan panel reinstatement

Gravity are experts in the field of asbestos roof removal and are an approved Kingspan roofing company. This partnership between Kingspan, the global market leader in high-performance insulation and Gravity, one of Ireland’s leading asbestos removal companies, has resulted in a re-roofing service of exceptional quality.

Land Remediation

Large scale contaminated land remediation

The historic widespread use of asbestos as a building material and its subsequent poor waste management and disposal has resulted in asbestos containing material being present in the soil at many brownfield and some greenfield sites. The asbestos containing materials may have been buried intact, broken up and mixed with other demolition waste or potentially imported to the site as a contaminant in a recycled aggregate or made ground fill material.

industrial asbestos removal

Large scale asbestos floor tile removal and bitumen adhesive floor grinding

The removal of asbestos-containing floor tiles and underlying bitumen adhesive will result in significant disturbance of asbestos fibres and therefore this work must be notified to the HSA and undertaken by a licensed asbestos removal contractor such as Gravity.
Gravity specialise in floor grinding and have invested heavily in acquiring multiple HCT floor grinders – the market leaders in floor grinding equipment. Gravity’s floor grinders are capable of rapidly removing large areas of bitumen adhesive.

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